TA的每日心情 | 开心 2022-3-11 09:03 |
1 - 下载文件FastLoot.rar并解压缩。
2 - 首先打开“[CONFIG SCRIPT] RUN ME FIRST.ahk”。你只需要在第一次使用它。
3 -在游戏中按“选项卡”
4 -删除至少4项库存的
5 -把你的鼠标指针在每个项目上,然后按NUMPAD1中间的第1项,NUMPAD2项目2 ......直到项目4.
6 - 现在你需要设置你的库存位置,在标签菜单中瞄准角色的头部并按下numpad5以保存他的头部位置。
7 - 完成!它全部配置好了。只需按“del”关闭脚本并运行“[FAST LOOT] RUN ME.ahk”
1 - 打开“[FAST LOOT] RUN ME.ahk”
2 - 按ctrl + F并找到“在此更改热键”,
~V:: ; Change your hotkey here只需将字母“V”更改为另一个字母即可。
~T:: ; Change your hotkey hereOBS:请注意不要修改代码中的任何其他内容,例如空格和制表符。它可能会停止你的脚本。
3 - 保存代码,快乐!
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.#SingleInstance force ;It allows to run only one at the same time.SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ;Matching for window title.#ifwinactive, PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ;Active only when in PUBG.up_item_posX := 200up_item_posY := 200up2_item_posX := 300up2_item_posY := 300down_item_posX := 400down_item_posY := 400down2_item_posX := 500down2_item_posY := 500inv_posX := 600inv_posY := 600Loop{ ToolTip, Item 1 -> key: numpad1, up_item_posX, up_item_posY,1 sleep 500 ToolTip, Item 2 -> key: numpad2, up2_item_posX, up2_item_posY,2 sleep 500 ToolTip, Item 3 -> key: numpad3, down_item_posX, down_item_posY,3 sleep 500 ToolTip, Item 4 -> key: numpad4, down2_item_posX, down2_item_posY,4 sleep 500 ToolTip, Inventory -> key: numpad5, inv_posX, inv_posY,5 sleep 500}*NumPad1:: MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos up_item_posX = %xpos% up_item_posY = %ypos% IniWrite, %up_item_posX%, config.ini, Coordinates, up_item_posX IniWrite, %up_item_posY%, config.ini, Coordinates, up_item_posY ToolTip, Item 1 -> key: numpad1, up_item_posX, up_item_posY,1return*NumPad2:: MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos up2_item_posX = %xpos% up2_item_posY = %ypos% IniWrite, %up2_item_posX%, config.ini, Coordinates, up2_item_posX IniWrite, %up2_item_posY%, config.ini, Coordinates, up2_item_posY ToolTip, Item 2 -> key: numpad2, up2_item_posX, up2_item_posY,2return*NumPad3:: MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos down_item_posX = %xpos% down_item_posY = %ypos% IniWrite, %down_item_posX%, config.ini, Coordinates, down_item_posX IniWrite, %down_item_posY%, config.ini, Coordinates, down_item_posY ToolTip, Item 3 -> key: numpad3, down_item_posX, down_item_posY,3return*NumPad4:: MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos down2_item_posX = %xpos% down2_item_posY = %ypos% IniWrite, %down2_item_posX%, config.ini, Coordinates, down2_item_posX IniWrite, %down2_item_posY%, config.ini, Coordinates, down2_item_posY ToolTip, Item 4 -> key: numpad4, down2_item_posX, down2_item_posY,4return*NumPad5:: MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos inv_posX = %xpos% inv_posY = %ypos% IniWrite, %inv_posX%, config.ini, Coordinates, inv_posX IniWrite, %inv_posY%, config.ini, Coordinates, inv_posY ToolTip, Inventory -> key: numpad5, inv_posX, inv_posY,5return*Del:: ToolTip,Script Configured,500,500,6 Sleep 2000 ExitAppreturn
ToolTip,Script Configured,500,500,6
Sleep 2000
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.#SingleInstance force ;It allows to run only one at the same time.SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ;Matching for window title.#ifwinactive, PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ;Active only when in PUBG.IniRead up_item_posX, config.ini, Coordinates, up_item_posXIniRead up_item_posY, config.ini, Coordinates, up_item_posYIniRead up2_item_posX, config.ini, Coordinates, up2_item_posXIniRead up2_item_posY, config.ini, Coordinates, up2_item_posYIniRead down_item_posX, config.ini, Coordinates, down_item_posXIniRead down_item_posY, config.ini, Coordinates, down_item_posYIniRead down2_item_posX, config.ini, Coordinates, down2_item_posXIniRead down2_item_posY, config.ini, Coordinates, down2_item_posYIniRead inv_posX, config.ini, Coordinates, inv_posXIniRead inv_posY, config.ini, Coordinates, inv_posY;#####################;# Fast Loot #;#####################~V:: ; Change your hotkey here if (isMouseShown() == true) { Sleep 1 MouseClickDrag, Left,up_item_posX, up_item_posY, inv_posX, inv_posY , 0 Sleep 1 MouseClickDrag, Left, up2_item_posX, up2_item_posY, inv_posX, inv_posY , 0 Sleep 1 MouseClickDrag, Left, down_item_posX, down_item_posY, inv_posX, inv_posY , 0 Sleep 1 MouseClickDrag, Left, down2_item_posX, down2_item_posY, inv_posX, inv_posY , 0 Sleep 1 }returnisMouseShown(){ StructSize := A_PtrSize + 16 VarSetCapacity(InfoStruct, StructSize) NumPut(StructSize, InfoStruct) DllCall("GetCursorInfo", UInt, &InfoStruct) Result := NumGet(InfoStruct, 8) if Result > 1 Return true else Return false}