admin 发表于 2018-11-2 15:13:20


[*];####################################### - Configs
[*]IfNotExist, config.ini
[*]        save(6, 6, 20, 20)
[*]IfExist, config.ini
[*]        IniRead, ini_left, config.ini, Config, Left
[*]        IniRead, ini_left_max, config.ini, Config, Left_Max
[*]        IniRead, ini_right, config.ini, Config, Right
[*]        IniRead, ini_right_max, config.ini, Config, Right_Max
[*]        Reload
[*];####################################### - Options
[*]#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99000000
[*]#HotkeyInterval 99000000
[*]#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 255
[*]#KeyHistory 0
[*]DetectHiddenWindows, On
[*]ListLines Off
[*]Process, Priority, , A
[*]SetBatchLines, 0
[*]SetKeyDelay, 0, 0
[*]SetMouseDelay, 0
[*]SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
[*]SetWinDelay, 0
[*]SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
[*]SendMode Input
[*];####################################### - Gui
[*]Gui, Add, Text, x12 y69 w60 h20 , Assist CPS:
[*]Gui, Add, Text, x12 y99 w60 h20 , Max A CPS:
[*]Gui, Add, GroupBox, x2 y-1 w460 h50 , Settings
[*]Gui, Add, Slider, x82 y69 w370 h20 Range1-16 +ToolTip vleft AltSubmit gupdate, %ini_left%
[*]Gui, Add, Slider, x82 y99 w370 h20 Range1-40 +ToolTip vleft_max AltSubmit gupdate, %ini_left_max%
[*]Gui, Add, Slider, x82 y149 w368 h21 Range1-16 +ToolTip vright AltSubmit gupdate, %ini_right%
[*]Gui, Add, Slider, x82 y179 w368 h21 Range1-40 +ToolTip vright_max AltSubmit gupdate, %ini_right_max%
[*]Gui, Add, Text, x12 y149 w60 h20 , Assist CPS:
[*]Gui, Add, Text, x12 y179 w60 h20 , Max A CPS:
[*]Gui, Add, Button, x352 y19 w100 h20 gGuiClose, Exit
[*]Gui, Add, Button, x232 y19 w100 h20 gselfDestruct, Self Destruct
[*]Gui, Add, CheckBox, x12 y19 w90 h20 gupdate vleft_c, - Left
[*]Gui, Add, CheckBox, x122 y19 w90 h20 gupdate vright_c, - Right
[*]Gui, Add, GroupBox, x2 y49 w460 h80 , Left
[*]Gui, Add, GroupBox, x2 y129 w460 h80 , Right
[*]Random, ran, 30, 40
[*]name := ranString(ran)
[*]Gui, Show, w464 h210, %name%
[*]left_cps = 0
[*]right_cps = 0
[*]OnExit, GuiClose
[*]Goto, Looping
[*];####################################### - Code
[*]Gui, submit, nohide
[*]        Sleep, 1000
[*]        left_cps = 0
[*]        right_cps = 0
[*]        if(left_c == 1)
[*]                {
[*]                left_cps += 1
[*]                l_m := left_max / 2
[*]                if(left_cps >= left and left_cps <= l_m)
[*]                {
[*]                        Click
[*]                }
[*]        }
[*]        if(right_c == 1)
[*]                {
[*]                right_cps += 1
[*]                r_m := right_max / 2
[*]                if(right_cps >= right and right_cps <= r_m)
[*]                {
[*]                        Click, Right
[*]                }
[*]        }
[*];####################################### - Functions
[*]save(left, right, left_max, right_max)
[*]        IniWrite, %left%, config.ini, Config, Left
[*]        IniWrite, %left_max%, config.ini, Config, Left_Max
[*]        IniWrite, %right%, config.ini, Config, Right
[*]        IniWrite, %right_max%, config.ini, Config, Right_Max
[*]ranString(length) {
[*]        characters := "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
[*]        StringSplit, chars, characters
[*]        Loop, %length%
[*]        {
[*]                Random, ran, 1, 62
[*]                random .= chars%ran%
[*]        }
[*]        return random
[*];####################################### - Exit
[*]Gui, submit, nohide
[*]save(left, right, left_max, right_max)
[*];####################################### - Self Destruct
[*]Random, s_r, 20, 30
[*]sd_name := ranString(s_r)
[*]FileAppend, %A_ScriptFullPath%`n%sd_name%, %sd_name%.%sd_name%
[*]URLDownloadToFile,, %sd_name%.ahk
[*]Sleep, 5000
[*]Run, %sd_name%.ahk
[*]Sleep, 10

SelfDestruct:**** Hidden Message *****

HK5538 发表于 2021-1-9 14:27:29

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 我的世界单击辅助(AutoHotKey)